4th LTTA
Ronda (Spain)
November 2020 25th
1. Presenting G-Suite: Google tools and services tailored for schools and homeschools.
∙ It helps you increase opportunities for critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, all while supporting the learning objectives that you have for your students.
∙ Using G-Suite can support students with diverse needs and learning styles, which helps create more inclusive classrooms.
2. Comparison G-Suite and Moodle for schools.
∙ Moodle is a platform for online learning that enables you to create online courses, add assignments, and keep an eye on your students’ progress.
∙ It also allows you to communicate with the students and encourage communication between them in forums and discussions.
The publication financed from the European Commission funds under the Erasmus + Programme. The publication was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission. The publication reflects only the position of its authors and the European Commission and the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program are not responsible for its content.
Grant Agreement No.: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050586
Project Title: Language Learning through Critical Thinking Tools: Challenges and Chances
Project Acronym: LANCET
Project Main Objective: Exchange of Good Practices
(c) 2020