2nd TPM Virtual Meeting

Ronda (Spain)

September 2020 15th

Europe has swiftly become the coronavirus pandemic epicentre, resulting in rapid unexpected mobility changes. Participants’ mobilities have been postponed due to organisations across the continent shutting down and shifting to online learning platforms. 

The European Commission is coordinating a common European response  to the coronavirus expansion. They are taking resolute action to reinforce our public health sectors and mitigate the socio-economic impact in the European Union. They  are mobilising all means at our disposal to help our Member States coordinate their national responses and are providing objective information about the spread of the virus and effective efforts to contain it. 

The COVID-19 outbreak negatively affects  ongoing or planned activities under the Erasmus+ programme. We decided to postpone our LANCET Project until December 31st and have virtual mobilities. What changes are taking place and what help is available are necessary to set up. 

Our main discussions in this virtual mobility were:

  1. The project up to now: Achievements and content updating.
  2. Project meetings and training events calendar until the end of the project December 2020
  3. Project partners’ distribution tasks
  4. Budget justification
  5. Newsletter
  6. Final product: tangible and non tangible outcomes

The publication financed from the European Commission funds under the Erasmus + Programme. The publication was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission. The publication reflects only the position of its authors and the European Commission and the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program are not responsible for its content.

Grant Agreement No.: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050586
Project Title: Language Learning through Critical Thinking Tools: Challenges and Chances
Project Acronym: LANCET
Project Main Objective: Exchange of Good Practices

(c) 2020