Language learning through critical thinking tools: challenges and chances
The general objective of the project is to facilitate the development of critical thinking and the digital approach among students and teachers, strengthening a process of social inclusion to contribute to the construction of a peaceful and stable European society.
Language learning through digital tools and critical thinking promotes active social inclusion.
The project involves the exchange of best practices between three adult education/training institutions from Spain (Ronda), Austria and Italy.
At local level the desired impact is to make people, families and citizens become more confident with other cultures, overcome stereotypes and prejudices. It will be important to share the project so that everyone can benefit from the gained experience. At regional level it is expected the cooperation with the authorities to work together in a wider common purpose, illustrating the best practices gained and improving the quality of education. To a wider European level it is expected to contribute to the development of a first quality long-life learning and make the realization of a permanent European context stronger.

The publication financed from the European Commission funds under the Erasmus + Programme. The publication was carried out with the financial support of the European Commission. The publication reflects only the position of its authors and the European Commission and the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program are not responsible for its content.
Grant Agreement No.: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050586
Project Title: Language Learning through Critical Thinking Tools: Challenges and Chances
Project Acronym: LANCET
Project Main Objective: Exchange of Good Practices
(c) 2020